
Shoes, Shoes, and, Yes, Even More Shoes

I love shoes- this is what happens when you work in a shoe department for 5 years. So of course, in the beginning, I was super excited about the search for wedding shoes. I really wanted cute shoes so I could get cute pictures:





Looking back, I think I may have stressed a little too much over finding something that would look so perfect for pictures (there will probably not be enough pictures to justify the time/effort I spent searching!). Nevertheless, with images of cute shoes floating around in my head, I began what seemed like a never ending task. The contenders:

Too High (I fell in love with 1, 3, & 5... I think maybe I was in denial that the heel was to high, but you can never be too sure when ordering online :) ):

Uncomfortable (2, 4), too cluncky (5), too short (1), just not right at all (3) :

Too casual:

Didn't really go with the dress (I think they were just too much, you know?), but are oh so cute (it pained me to return these). I couldn't justify keeping them when I have nothing to pair with them:


Too blue. I loved these shoes, even though the heel was a tad short. When I gushed to several of my peeps about how much I loved them, they just didn't understand the "Something Blue-Shoe" concept and I started second guessing my decision. I think the vintage-y style of the shoe would have gone perfectly with my dress, but I sent them back before I could find out and now they are unavailable. :(

I think the most frustrating part of my search was that I knew what I wanted, but could not find it! I had my heart set on round, closed toed satin pumps with a 2.5" - 3" heel. This was impossible to find *within* my price range. This is key, because even though J.Crew, Kate, and Stuart know how to make a really nice round, closed toed satin pump with a medium heel, I couldn't, no, wouldn't pay $200-$300 for a pair of shoes I will more than likely wear one time (even if I tell myself I will wear them every time I go out).

Luckily, this story has a happy ending, but you'll have to wait until the next post to hear more about my wonderful weekend finds. :)

I know Miss Peeptoe can relate to my woes of shoe searching. What has been the most difficult find for your wedding? Has there been one part of planning that has more stressful than the rest?

(Yes, I really did order and return ALL of these... good thing endless and zappos have free shipping.)
*all shoes are sourced from here, unless otherwise noted

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