
Alternative Groom's Cake

We've decided on our wedding cake (yes... there will be a post on this soon), but in the south, the groom usually has a cake too. From my experience, the groom's cake is usually chocolate..... but Mr. Beagle hates chocolate.


In some cases, the groom's cake also represents his hobbies/likes/interests.

While the idea of representing Mr. Beagle through a cake is nice, I have no idea what type of cake I would get for him. He doesn't have a sport he follows regularly, he's not a "gamer", he doesn't have a favorite team and frankly, he doesn't really like sweets anyways (weird, I know). So I think in lieu of a typical groom's cake, I'm going to set up a platter of these:

Bunuelos. They are a thinly fried "bread" that is topped with sugar and sometimes honey. Although Mr. Beagle is not big on sweets, he loves these. He will often recall the bunuelos his grandmother made, which were very delicious. Although these may not compare to hers, I think he'll like the gesture.

Are you having a groom's cake? What traditions are you putting your own spin on?

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