In Mr. Beagle's family, they have a tradition of gathering as a family and eating Menudo, which is a spicy soup usually served for breakfast, on the morning after the wedding. Although I've tried this soup, I'm not a big fan of it (it's one of those things that you either love or hate), but Mr. Beagle loves it.
So, Sunday morning, we trekked over to my new in-laws' house for breakfast. When we arrived, we (unfortunately) found out that the Menudo had some how gone bad overnight, but my in-laws came through with a back up plan to serve breakfast tacos filled with potato & egg and chorizo & egg, fresh fruit, and Mexican sweet bread:
While we ate, extended relatives trickled in to join the breakfast and wish us congratulations. It was really nice conversing with Mr. Beagle's relatives in a more relaxed atmosphere and enjoying the delicious food. I wish we could have stayed longer to visit with more of our wedding guests, but we had to leave early to take part in another tradition: visiting the elders who weren't able to make it to our wedding.
The rest of Sunday was spent driving to and from Laredo to visit Mr. Beagle's Abuela and Abuelo (grandmother and grandfather), who was in the hospital. We intended to visit his other grandfather who lives about an hour east of Laredo, but due to time constrictions, we weren't able to squeeze it in.
Overall, I found it was a nice way to spend our first day as a married couple. How did you spend the day after your wedding? Did you take part in any traditions?